I have often been asked what my favorite type of sessions is. The truth is, I don’t have an answer for that. My favorite session is whichever type of session I am currently working on! My family is something I treasure so much. Mom has always kept our house filled with pictures of us during just about every stage of life. She continues to do that with her grandchildren. It is something that is so special to me. So it is just as special to me that I can document that for other families. I have been blessed with being able to work with many different families. I love seeing how they interact with one another! This session was no exception. You do not want to miss this West Texas family session!
When we first started planning this session, the family mentioned that they were hoping for something green. The walking park certainly delivered! We started off this session in the morning due to the chance of high winds in the evening, and it turned out perfectly! We couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful morning!
The Dyck family was so sweet and easy to work with. I must say the little guy stole the show! How can anyone resist that adorable smile? Throughout the session, we mixed and matched, getting some shots of the entire family, of just the kiddos, and of course some of just Mom and Dad. I have my normal shot list that I work through, which helps me get a good variety of images. Then if there are any specific shots that anyone wants, we always make some time for that, too!
Dyck family, I so enjoyed working with you! You are such a beautiful family!

Want to see more like this West Texas family session? Check out one here!
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