Sweet Grandchildren Photo Session

This photo session is very dear to my heart! My mom just celebrated her 50th birthday, and we decided to gift her a grandchildren photo session. And it turned out to be the cutest thing! (I may be a bit biased though.) You don’t want to miss it!

There is not much my mom loves more than her grandchildren! Currently, there are three grandsons and four granddaughters. They are a rambunctious, sweet, and loving group of kiddos. We wanted the session to reflect that. And I think we succeeded!

We started with the group shot, because we all know that the picture with everyone smiling and looking at the camera is a precious shot. It’s not always easy to get with littles, but they all did so well! Then I took pictures of Mom with each of the individual children.

After we got those shots, it was time for the fun! First, they played “Ring around the Rosy.” The children had so much fun! They forgot we were taking pictures. The smiles during this part of the session were so precious! After a couple of rounds of that, I sat in the middle of the circle to get their faces as they circled me. It was the cutest thing! I think these are my favorites from this session.

Then, the children wanted to play “Duck, Duck, Goose.” It was the most chaotic game ever! The youngest children did not understand what was going on, which made it even cuter! Sometimes, two or three of them were running at the same time!

Overall, this session was playful and reflected the relationship Mom has with her grandchildren, which is what we were aiming for! It went amazingly smoothly for having seven children in the session. And it captured memories that will be cherished forever!

If you’re interested in booking a session like this grandchildren, contact me below. If you want to see more like this grandchildren photo session, check out one here!

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