It was a beautiful evening with only a slight breeze and beautiful light! This West Texas couple session was absolutely perfect! You don’t want to miss it!
When I met Nancy and Corny for their session, I was so excited! Nancy chose a beautiful blue dress to wear for her session and paired it with Corny’s gray shirt, and their outfits fit perfectly for the park that they had chosen as their location. With just a hint of some yellowing in the leaves, this session was beautiful!
We started with some walking pictures. Nancy’s smile as she looked at Corny was so beautiful! I loved watching this couple as they interacted with each other. There were so many sweet moments during this session! Their love definitely shows in the pictures!
Of course, we had to get some twirling shots. Nancy’s dress was perfect for these, and they are some of my favorites! Did I mention Nancy’s smile? I loved watching her light up as we took these pictures.
The trees mixed with the golden sunlight was so pretty! Light is one of the main things we as photographers look at when we are looking at locations. It is such an important part of your session. That’s why sessions are planned around either sunrise or sunset. It gives us the perfect light for getting the best pictures we can for your session.
At the end of the session, we wrapped up with some pictures with Corny’s truck. I love when couples add something to their session that shows their personality and interests. That is a great way to make your session your own!
Nancy and Corny, I loved working with you two for your session! I am so grateful that you allowed me to capture your session for you!

Want to see more West Texas couple session? See one here!
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