Newborns- tiny little hands and toes, the sweetest little cry… This stage doesn’t last long, but it is so precious! There’s something so special about being able to capture this stage of life! You do not want to miss this adorable in home newborn session!
Almost two years ago, I took Trudy and Knals’s engagement pictures. Now they are married and have a sweet little boy! It’s amazing how time flies! I am so grateful to be able to capture all of these memories!
The Hildebrand’s home was a perfect place for this session. Since lighting is such an important part of getting beautiful images, it’s important to find the spot with the best lighting and work there. Both the living room and the bedroom had perfect lighting, so we spent some time in the living room, and then moved into the bedroom for some shots as well.
Michael did so well! He was awake for the first part of the session, and we got some of the most adorable smiles! He loves his daddy, which is so sweet! He dozed off for the last part of the session. That is when we got some pictures of just him. My favorite thing with newborns is getting some detail shots of just the tiny hands and feet!
Trudy and Knals, thank you for allowing me to capture this special time of your life! I pray that you will be blessed as you continue to raise Michael!

Want to see more like this in home newborn session? Check one out here!
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