Priceless. That’s the word that comes to mind as I look through all of these adorable newborn pictures. The moment you have been waiting for is finally here and you can hold your baby in your arms! Yet how quickly the times flies! The newborn stage only lasts a little while and soon your little baby is wanting to move on to rolling over, sitting, crawling, and then walking. Every moment is precious, and every moment deserves to be documented!
It’s such a blessing to be able to be able to capture the very first memories of newborn with their family! It makes it doubly special when it’s your nephew! (I may be just a little biased, but I think I have some of the cutest nephews!)
Ezekiel wasn’t the most thrilled about his photo session, and he let his voice be heard, but even the crying pictures look cute. And Elijah loves his baby brother, as you can see from the pictures of them together. I can’t wait to see these two grow up together. A little over a year apart, I can see them becoming great friends!
Lucas and Helen, I wish you God’s blessings as you raise your two little men! Thank you for allowing me to capture this special time!

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