I often enjoyed going along with my older brothers on their adventures, but sometimes they didn’t end up so well. This one left us stuck in the mud! It was winter, and it was frigid outside. The ground was frozen, and it was a Saturday. We were eating breakfast together, when my brother Jacob asked […]

Stuck in the mud

They both love all things green. Their engagement session locations were both beautifully green. Now that it was time for the wedding family pictures, they were looking for something that also had beautiful foliage, but was not as far away. And I think we nailed it! You don’t want to miss this summery West Texas […]

My family loves to hike! We always have. We normally do our hiking in the winter because… Texas. This time was no exception. With some cousins, we headed to El Capitan to try to conquer this trail! As usual, our hike was on Saturday. We got up bright and early… Actually, it was just early. […]

Hiking The El Capitan

We weren’t sure if we would even be able to go on vacation. With our family’s schedule, we just weren’t sure how we were going to make it work. But suddenly, all the pieces seemed to fall together. Two weeks later, we were heading out on our 2021 family vacation! Our destination: Durango, Colorado. We […]

I am so excited to be able to share this beautiful West Texas family session with you! I must say, this family is one of my favorites to photograph! Their little girlies are so adorable and the mom and dad are so much fun to be with. But then again, I may be just a […]

Airplanes have definitely not been one of my favorite things while growing up. But I grew up with two older brothers and one younger one, so I heard about airplanes, cars, and trucks a lot! Then add on the fact that my dad not only really enjoyed airplanes, but had also trained to be an […]

Airsho 2010

They danced in the rain. They had finished their family pictures, said their vows, and now when the rain started, they danced in the rain. The joy on this West Texas wedding was infectious! From the family formals taken at S.S. Forest Park to their husband\wife pictures taken at their new home, this wedding was […]

Joyful. Full of love and laughter. So beautiful. These are the words that pop into my head when I think of this West Texas Wedding. The details were beautiful! Yet as beautiful as the details were, they couldn’t compare to the ones we came together to celebrate! These two radiated joy their entire day. Even […]

Teddy bears, rocking chairs, a few tears, and the most adorable smiles! This West Texas one year old session was so sweet! I had so much fun with this little guy, and I’m so excited to share it with you! The session started off with our seeing ominous clouds in the distance, and hoping the […]

little boy smiling in a rocking chair

It was hot! Sweat dripped off of foreheads, and the sun beat down on us. In the stifling heat, the sound of a phone broke the silence. We all held our breath, looking at Mom with anticipation. It didn’t take long to realize that it was not the long awaited phone call for our Bahama […]

View from the Cruise ship
Created with Showit

Lydia Wiebe

Based in seminole, TX
Serving West TExas