They say that sisters make the best friends in the world, and I couldn’t agree more! As sisters, Megan, Hannah, and I don’t always get along. We still argue over whose turn it is to do the dishes sometimes, and we don’t always have the best communication. But over the years we’ve become great friends. […]

Priceless. That’s the word that comes to mind as I look through all of these adorable newborn pictures. The moment you have been waiting for is finally here and you can hold your baby in your arms! Yet how quickly the times flies! The newborn stage only lasts a little while and soon your little […]

Memories. They’re so important! Today, I’m sharing a bit about the people in my life, because to talk about my journey into photography wouldn’t be complete without talking about the ones who inspired me and helped me become the photographer I am now! First of all, my parents. They’re the ones who bought me my […]

I have eaten every single word that I’ve said about photography. Every. Single. One. I’ve always loved taking pictures. I remember how my mom used to always buy the disposable cameras for us to use when we went on field trips or things of that sort, and I loved it. I was always taking pictures […]

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Lydia Wiebe

Based in seminole, TX
Serving West TExas