Newborns- tiny little hands and toes, the sweetest little cry… This stage doesn’t last long, but it is so precious! There’s something so special about being able to capture this stage of life! You do not want to miss this adorable in home newborn session! Almost two years ago, I took Trudy and Knals’s engagement […]

Summer days: cool mornings, hot afternoons, beautiful flowers, time to spend with family… For those of you who don’t know me, I am not only a photographer but also a teacher. So from the months of August to May, my time is filled with school. Because of that, I enjoy the extra time that my […]

When you’re in Colorado over your anniversary, you have to get pictures taken, right? This Colorado anniversary session was an absolute dream! When we started planning our Colorado vacation, I toyed with the idea of doing a photo session with my parents. But I didn’t mention anything about it though, because I figured that maybe […]

Sometimes it ‘s still a bit hard to believe that my youngest sister is getting married! We had fun celebrating her bridal shower a couple of weeks ago, and I had to share the pictures that I took there! We got to the Farmhouse bright and early to prepare. Together with Hannah’s future mother and […]

Anytime you get more than sixty people together for an extended family session, it is going to be a bit of a challenge. But getting almost the whole extended family on one picture is so worth it! So what does an extended family session look like? Of course, every family and what they are wanting […]

Two years ago, I took engagement pictures in Lamesa. They are still some of my favorite pictures! (You can see them here!) Now I had the privilege of working with the same couple, only now they are parents to a sweet boy who is turning one and are expecting another little one! You don’t want […]

Smiles, giggles, and nerves… the minute we walked in the door, it was obvious that this wedding was going to be not only beautiful, but also more importantly joyful. This West Texas wedding was perfect! One of the great things about being a photographer is that we can work together. I was so excited when […]

Tears, happy ones. Laughter, hugs, and so much joy! This West Texas wedding gave me all the feels! This wedding was different than most weddings I’ve shot. It is special to capture young couples as they pledge their lives to each other. There is a joy that comes with it that is amazing. But this […]

Their smiles and laughter… the soft quiet moments… the talking in between… This Seminole Texas engagement session was such a sweet session! You don’t want to miss these pictures! I’ve been so enjoying all of the newly engaged couples that I have been able to work with! The engagement season is such a fun time […]

A coffee shop and a photo session with some of my favorite people? Yes, please! I cannot wait to share this Lubbock Texas engagement session with you! This session was an extra special one for me. First of all, my little sister is getting married! We often joked around that she would be the first […]

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Lydia Wiebe

Based in seminole, TX
Serving West TExas

Based in Seminole Tx 
Serving West Texas